Starting with C# 7.0, there is basic pattern matching support. I want to look at using this to interop with F# Discriminated Unions, and see what consuming F# code from C# could look like at it's best.

Here is an example of an F# Discriminated Union (hereafter DU)

type Record = { Name: string; Age: int }

type Abc =
| A
| B of double
| C of Record

For those unfamiliar with DUs, the Abc type defined above can be either A, B, or C (and nothing else), and in the case of A there is no "payload", with B and C there is a payload that comes with it.

So given that this compiles down to a sealed class, and that the cases become classes, we can use the new type pattern in C# to match this with:

void HandleAbc(Abc abc)
switch (abc)
case Abc.B _:
case Abc.C c:

There are some things to notice here:

1. It's really nice

The code here is clean I'd say, we are matching on type and can either ignore the result of the cast using _ or we can take it as a named variable (like with c in this example).

2. We don't get the safety we have in F#

In F#, when handling DUs the compiler ensure that we have handled all cases, in C#, these safety checks aren't enforced.

3. What about case A!

Yeah, so this is where it's not perfect. The F# compiler does generate a type for case A however it is marked as internal and therefore is not accessible for us to match against, however there are a few options, I'll let you pick which is your favourite:

void HandleAbc(Abc abc)
switch (abc)
// Option 1:
case var x when x.IsA:
// Option 2:
case var x when x == Abc.A:

switch (abc.Tag)
// Option 3:
case abc.Tags.A:

Let me know in the comments what your preference is, or is there a better option?

Thanks for reading!